Korek Api

Monday, August 21, 2006

Home Sweet Hell

- foto sejenak -

Minggu yang melelahkan! Fisik dan pikiran. Emang bener kata orang, pindahan rumah itu bakal bikin hidup kaya roller coaster. Ya.. ada senengnya. Terutama waktu mencari pernak-pernik, milih warna cat (yg ternyata jadi bagus... ijo, bow!). Tapi lebih banyak yg bikin pusing. Terutama kalo kepentingan dan selera saling adu.. lebam hitam nih perasaan nahan pingin bilang, “No! What you say is totaly ridiculous!” (begitu juga kali ya.. orang lain denger ide gw). Apalagi kalo harus ngadepin tukang yang kerjanya ngasal..

Di antara semua rumah yang pernah gw tempatin, mungkin rumah ini fav gw!

Saturday, August 05, 2006

The Cute Death

- movie moments -

I and my sister watch this movie one night.
Meet Joe Black. I've seen it before couple of years ago. Anthony Hopkins—as good as ever—plays as Bill Perish that one day meet a very misterious man who call himself Joe Black (Brad Pitt). Unluckily, Joe is an Angel of Death that come to take Bill away. Joe enters Bill's life; meets his daughter (they fall in love eventually), gets involve in Bill's company.

At the end of the movie, I came up with this question, inspired by it, for fun: “If death comes to you like that, who do you want him to look like.. I mean as some one famous.. a star?”

My sister can't answer it and she returned the question to me. And my answer was, “Julia Roberts”.. that name just poped up in my imagination. I think she's fun, charming, and comforting. All of a sudden my sister cried... I don't know why. May be for some sentimental reasons.. you know.. women always take everything to their heart. She never gave the name to me that night.

How about you?

Well.. he'll come anyway... :)

PS: I hope the war—or should I say.. agression—that has killed more than 700 people (one third is children) in Lebanon by Israelii troops is stopped right now! Death suppose to be a beautiful experience.. not a hatefull-bitter one.